Thursday, March 17, 2011

Love is patient and kind,

Love is not jealous or boastful,

It is not arrogant or rude.

Love does not insist on its own way,

It is

Sweet DeviLz

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

This Is Us

ThIs Is Us
We Are Not CuTe, Pretty, etc
we are SWEET.......
*Meet Us Personally*

@pidot(we call her with that name-hihi-)
-11 September 1995-

-21 July 1995-

*felin cynta*
-30 August 1995-

@Armadilo(only I call her with that name..hehe..noty me)
-20 january 1995-

my name is,
FelinCynta@SDz Loner Cry

Saturday, February 5, 2011


: when u need someone, i'll be there for u
: when u cry, i won't wipe ur tears, but i'll cry with u
when u are in trouble, i'll try my best to help u
when u need someone to listen, i'll be there :
i'll never leave u no matter what, i'll stay with u :

kenangan 2009

koir ni dua tahun lepas punya..koir untuk Majlis Anugerah Pelajar Cemerlang (MAPC)..yang terlibat, form 2 and form 1..tapi tak semualah..tapi kebanyakkan daripada budak2 lam gambar tu pengawas kecuali aku(yang aku tahu lah..yg lain tu ingat2 lupa)

(felin cynta)

Thursday, February 3, 2011

ThIs Is Us
We Are Not CuTe, Pretty, etc
we are SWEET.......
*Meet Us Personally*

@pidot(we call her with that name-hihi-)
-11 September 1995-

-21 July 1995-

*felin cynta*
-30 August 1995-

@Armadilo(only I call her with that name..hehe..noty me)
-20 january 1995-

my name is,
FelinCynta@SDz Loner Cry

eMo quotes

  • Not all scars show, not all wounds heal, sometimes u can't always see the pain someone feels
  • tired of trying, sick of crying. Yeah, I'm smiling but inside I'm dying
  • I lock away the pain, put away the tears, show u only smiles not the hidden tears

  • Smile are no more than empty love
  • i said that i don't need u but i'm a liar. i swear i do

  • i never wanted a numb heart coz even if it feels so much pain, i'm still hoping that one day, i can feel even a little love from u

  • Life is Death
  • I always knew that looking back on the tears would make me laugh but i never knew looking back on the laugh would make me cry

  • i HURT myself so i can feel alive
  • when i said that I HATE U and told u to GO AWAY,iT meanS I LOVE U,PLEASE DONT LEAVE ME.

  • MY heart is bleeding, my eyes are crying
  • life is just a blood misery

  • my heart is bleeding
  • my heart bleeds no more, now it is turning to stone

  • i just cant seem to get over u

  • Dont try to fix this broken heart
  • why am i afraid to lose u when u are not even mine

  • u are every reason, every hope and every dream i've had, and no matter what happen to us in the future, everyday we are together is the greatest day of my life
  • i always dreaming u..wanting u...NEEDING U,,, CLOSER

  • FiNE, i admit it. I think of u every second of every day. u are my favorite subject to talk about. when i hug u, i wish i could never let go. All my dreams have u in them. I always get excited when I see u again
  • Loving you, hard to regret. Losing u hard to accept. BUt with all the hurt i've felt, letting go is the most PAINFUL yet
  • i dont understand what happen to our love. But babe, i'm gonna get u back,i'm gonna show u what i'm made of

EmO SaYing

  • The hardest thing to do is watch the one u love, love someone else

  • When i see ur smile and know that it is not for me, that is when i will miss u the most

  • It's hard to tell ur mind to stop loving someone else when ur heart still does

  • DON'T say u love me unless u really mean it because i might do something crazy like believing it

  • Just live and breathe and try not to die again

  • I didnt want to admit It, it was easier to lie, and hide the hurt and emptiness, to smile instead of cry